Is Kale good or bad for us?

Is Kale good or bad for us?

Oxalic acid and Thallium   Kale is one of the cruciferous vegetables. Has a lot of nutrients, especially potassium. When a little bit steamed or boiled releases a lot of beta carotenes that are cancer fighters and cancer preventers, one word, antioxidants. A raw...


Maybe you ask what is actually autophagy? Such a strange title. The explanation is simple. It is a consumption of the body’s own tissue. It’s basically eating yourself. Scary, right? It will not be, when I will explain it to you actually it will become...


I was talking about AGE and how detrimental this substance is to our body, our health, and, in the end, our length of life in the AGE article. But there is something more here.   Long-lived cells   Long-lived cells don’t get replaced and they face the...


Hi, my friend! Today I have decided to explain to you what AGE is. No, it’s not an aging process it contributes to that significantly though. AGE is short for Advanced Glycation End product. When we consume sugar, means sugary, carbohydrate kinds of stuff, turns...